Ordered growth of Fe and Pt nanoclusters on the vicinal surface Au(788)
Nahas, Yasmine; Repain, Vincent; Rohart, Stanislas; Girard, Yann; Chacon, Cyril; Tejeda, Antonio; Rousset, Sylvie

Nanomagnetism is a growing field of interest both from technological and fundamental motivations. Moreover, alloys with one magnetic material from 3d metal transition mixed with a non magnetic material from 5 d metal transition exhibit high magnetic anisotropy. Ordered growth allows to obtain structures with a controlled size and density [1], so enables the use of averaging technique to study magnetic properties of nanostructures. We will present variable temperature experiments of the growth of Fe and Pt on the naturally patterned Au(788) surface. An ordered growth on a large temperature range is observed for both Fe and Pt on this gold vicinal surface. A layer by layer growth of these elements, explained by a surface alloying, will be shown at high temperature. Finally, results on the ordered growth of codeposited iron and platinum atoms on Au(788) surface will be shown, as well as different experiments varying the relative concentration of iron and/or the substrate temperature.
[1] V. Repain et al., J. Phys. : Condens. Matter. 18 (2006) S17-S28