SPM study of adsorption of organic molecules on III-V semiconductors
Such, Bartosz; Kolodziej, Jacek J.; Goryl, Maria; Goryl, Grzegorz; Krok, Franciszek; Szymonski, Marek

Adsorption of organic molecules on semiconductors is a vividly discussed topic due to its importance for future molecular electronic applications. In the presentation we will present the results of molecular-scale STM and NCAFM studies of growth of archetype molecular semiconductors like pentacene and PTCDA on a reconstructed c(8x2) InSb(001) surface. The substrate exhibits a strong intrinsic anisotropy of surface structure affecting the diffusion of molecules. Consequently, PTCDA molecules form linear chains along the [110] direction of the substrate. In contrast, pentacene molecules are interacting with the semiconductor strong enough to hamper their diffusion which prevent them from forming organized structures. It is necessary to passivate the substrate by evaporating a monolayer of insulator (potassium bromide) in order to induce molecule mobility allowing for self-organization.