Project of international science-education center and integration problems of nano science education in Far Eastern Region of Asia
Plusnin, Nikolay
Russian Federation

International science-education center (ISEC) on nano science in Vladivostok is very important for international exchange between students of different countries in Far Eastern region of Asia (FERA) and has a large significance for scientific and education cooperation between these countries. Problems of integration of academic education between different countries are connected with differences of culture, language, level of fundamental education, methods of teaching, technical equipment, application spheres of knowledge, living conditions and other differences. Therefore the ISEC shell take into account the differences, shell provide for leveling of the differences and shell adapt education process to every student. Specific of the ISEC is organization of science-education process in four stages. For education activity, the stages are: 1 - culture and language leveling; 2 - fundamental knowledge leveling; 3 - master's degree level education and 4 - post graduate education. For science activity, the stages are: 1 - science English study; 2 - student science research; 3 - application science research; 4 - fundamental science research. The ISEC takes upon itself 1-st, 2-nd and 4-th stages. As for 3-rd stage, it can be taken completely upon themselves by universities of FERA countries. Vladivostok is good place for the ISEC. Reasons of this are following: 1) high level of teaching in nano science can be provided for by institutes of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science, which are mainly concentrated in Vladivostok; 2) Vladivostok has several universities, which can be education basis for 2-nd and 3-rd stages. Some of the universities have good infrastructure for providing 1-st and 2-nd stages of the ISEC and good management potential for coordination activity of the ISEC; 3) Vladivostok has good geographic position relatively FERA countries; 4) science-education activity in range of nano industry is most approach way for development of Russian intellectual potential; 5) Vladivostok is good bridge between Europe and FERA countries for student international mobility since Russia is one of European countries. Thus the project of International Science-Education Center on Nano Science in Vladivostok has good presupposition for realization.