Welcome to ECM102

29 June-1 July, 2007 First Hotel Linné, Uppsala, Sweden

The Executive Council is composed of the President, two Vice-Presidents (President-Elect and Past President), Secretary General, Treasurer, Scientific Director, and Scientific Secretary, together with the National Councillors (or their Alternates).

In addition, committee members, division members, and other who have a constructive interest in the activities of the Union may attend as Observers. A General Meeting is held every three years in connection with the International Vacuum Congress. In attendance are Officers of the Union and three delegates from each member society.


Welcome to Uppsala








The city of Uppsala is Sweden's fourth largest municipality in Sweden. Perhaps best known for its 15th century university, the city also offers visitors beautiful surroundings, a lively cultural scene and a rapidly expanding business sector. Uppsala is located 70 kilometers north of Stockholm in the province of Uppland. The city's resident population is 180.000.



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