Cobalt phthalocyanine on Au(001)-5x20 surface: morphology and electronic structure studied by UPS, XPS, Resonant PE and NEXAFS
Molodtsova, Olga1; Aristov, Victor2; Maslyuk, Volodymyr1; Vyalikh, Denis1; Zhilin, Victor2; Ossipyan, Yurii2; Bredow, Thomas1; Mertig, Ingrid1; Knupfer, Martin1
2Russian Federation

Recently considerable research activities on a variety of thin organic molecular films (OMTF) were observed due to their successful application in electronic and optical devices. Among the variety of OMTF the family of the metal phthalocyanines (MPc) is the first-rate candidate for creation of an organic based devices, because MPc’s can be easily prepared as the well ordered thin films of high purity possessing by outstanding and well defined electronic properties, chemical and thermal stability.
In this contribution we present the results of extensive investigations of the morphology, as well as the filled (valence band) and unoccupied electronic states of the organic semiconductor cobalt phthalocyanine (CoPc) deposited onto the 5x20 reconstructed Au(001) surface. The studies were performed using a combination of experimental and theoretical techniques, by means of direct and resonant photoemission, near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure and quantum-chemical calculations at density-functional level. The experimentally obtained electronic states of CoPc were compared with the results of ab initio density of states, allowing to derive the detailed site specific information.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the DFG under grants no. KN393/5 and 436RUS17/52/06. Two of the authors (V.M.Z & V.Y.A) thank the RFBR (Grant No 05-02-17390).