Ultra-thin epitaxial alumina film was prepared on the Cu-9at.%Al (111) surface by the controlled oxidation at elevated temperature of 630 °C. The oxide layer thickness was 0.8 nm according to the XPS measurement. LEED pattern exhibited (7/√3x7/√3)R30° surface reconstruction after the oxidation. Palladium and gold were deposited in small steps at room temperature afterwards. Metallic overlayer exhibited Stranski-Krastanov growth mode and does not grow epitaxially. Deposited palladium and gold form the alloy on the sample surface. The metal-insulator-metal system is thermally stable up to 300 °C. By annealing the sample at higher temperature, Pd-Au metallic clusters are formed on the surface and oxide surface become partially uncovered. At the elevated temperature of 500 °C, oxide layer losts its inert properties and changes the structure according to the XPS measurement.