Light transmittance through a thin conducting film with various correlation between interface profiles
Dmitruk, Nicholas; Korovin, Alexandr

In the present work we have theoretically analyzed the influence of stochastic correlation between both rough interfaces of a thin absorptive film (for example, metal), deposited on a semi-infinite another absorptive (semiconductor) substrate, on the light transmission through such films. The theoretical calculations of the transmittance/reflectance are based on the Maxwell’s equations solution in the framework of the Green’s tensor formalism in the first order of the perturbation theory, when the deviation of interface profiles from flat interface was considered as perturbation. There are correlated, anti-correlated and non-correlated principal types of stochastic interface correlation. The calculated angular and spectral dependencies of the light transmittance/reflectance for the case of Gauss distribution of random profiles have monotonic shape within the surface plasmon polaritons excitation region due to non-resonant excitation of surface plasmon polaritons. The angle and polarization dependencies of the light transmittance have been calculated, too. These calculations demonstrate a transmittance increase, especially at the inclined incidence of the p-polarized light and at the anti-correlated reliefs of thin conducting films, which can be explained by excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on their interfaces. The obtained calculation data explain the experimental data of high transmission of light through metallic film with periodic grooves [H. J. Lezec et al., Science 297, 820 (2002)], and can used in device, where monotonic spectra are needed (solar cells etc).