Near-field optical spectroscopy for local luminescence measurements
Klapetek, Petr; Valtr, Miroslav
Czech Republic

Near-field optical microscopy and spectroscopy (NSOM) is one of the most rapidly evolving techniques for analysis of physical properties of nanoscale objects. In this contribution we present our theroretical and experimental results in the field of local luminiscence measurements using NSOM. First of all, the results of modelling of electromagnetic field distribution within the NSOM will be presented, with focus on both the excitation and luminiscence signal resolution. Non-ideal probes effect on this resolution will be modelled using Finite Difference in Time Domain method which enables out to model real probe-sample geometry, including all the possible perturbations. Real probe geometry will be determined using scanning electron microscopy and far-field radiation patterns analysis. Both aperture and apertureless modes will be analyzed. Theoretical results will be supported with local luminiscence measurements on several samples using both the aperture and apertureless variant of our modified commercial NSOM.