Detecting nuclear spins by magnetic resonance force microscopy
Daniel, Rugar
United States

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful technique due, in part, to its ability to "see" below surfaces with true three-dimensional resolution. The main disadvantage of MRI is its insensitivity. Even the best inductively detected MRI microscopy requires a net nuclear polarization on the order of 100 million spins per voxel, which limits its spatial resolution to about 3 micrometers. Using ultrasensitive force detection, magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) can greatly improve the sensitivity of nuclear spin detection. We describe recent work demonstrating two dimensional MRFM imaging of fluorine-19 nuclei in a calcium fluoride sample with 90 nm resolution. The baseline sensitivity corresponds to a net polarization of about 200 nuclear spins. As part of this work, we have developed magnetic tips that produce field gradients in excess of 1.4 million tesla per meter (14 gauss per nanometer), developed improved methods for manipulating nuclear spins and implemented a method of mitigating spin noise in statistically polarized spin ensembles. Prospects and challenges of extending MRFM to single nuclear spins will also be discussed.