International Union of Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications
Terms and Conditions for Exhibitions Organised by Congrex Sweden AB
Your attention is drawn to the Terms and Conditions of exhibiting listed below. Signature of the Application and Contract form implies acceptance of these conditions. You should, in particular, refer to the section of cancellation of stands booked and the information regarding insurance.
- The Exhibitor's registration is binding until accepted/rejected by Congrex. If accepted, a binding contract is thereby entered regarding the stand site and rent stated in Congrex' order confirmation or in other communication from Congrex. The Exhibitor is only entitled to waive the contract if he notifies this in writing, in which case the cancellation conditions specified on the form "Application and Contract for stand space" apply.
- If the Exhibitor breaches this contract, he may, with immediate effect, be barred from participation in the present and future exhibitions. In such a case, the Exhibitor shall be liable for rent of the stand for the exhibition to which the contract applies.
- The stand site shall be taken into possession by the time specified at the latest. If this is not complied with, Congrex is entitled to take over possession of the stand site.
- The Exhibitor shall have put the stand into order by the time specified.
- Exhibitors who have bulky exhibition goods that cannot be transported freely in the exhibition aisles shall contact Congrex or contractor specified in sufficient time prior to the exhibition to allow the planning of transport.
- The exhibitor shall keep his stand in good condition and, if so requested by Congrex, make improvements to the stand at his own expense, if Congrex considers that the stand does not make a good impression.
- The Exhibitor undertakes to comply with "Terms and conditions for exhibitions organised by Congrex Sweden AB" as presented here and in other special regulations that Congrex may issue.
- Complaints regarding the allocated stand site shall be notified in good time prior to possession of the site being taken. If Congrex should be unable to provide the stand that has been ordered, the Exhibitor shall submit to the modifications regarding site and space that, on account of circumstances, may be required. If Congrex is not able to offer another site or space due to error or neglect for which Congrex is responsible, the Exhibitor is entitled to repayment of the stand rent that has already been paid. The Exhibitor is not entitled, however, to any repayment other than for the stand rent and thus is not, under any circumstances, entitled to compensation for indirect damage. If the Exhibitor uses the allocated stand, the Exhibitor is not entitled to any compensation.
- The stand may not be taken into possession until the stand rent has been paid in full.
- The stand may not be assigned to a third party, partially or fully, without the consent of Congrex.
- Only such objects may be exhibited that Congrex deems to be in agreement with the subject of the trade fair in question and to fulfil reasonable quality requirements. If an exhibited object should be deemed by Congrex not to fulfil the said requirements, the Exhibitor shall immediately and at his own expense remove the said object from the stand. The Exhibitor is not entitled to repayment of the stand rent or part thereof, nor to receive other compensation from Congrex for expense or damage - direct or indirect - that may occur by reason of Congrex' decision as per this provision.
- It is prohibited to exhibit live animals, explosive goods or other objects that can be deemed to be unsuitable from a safety point of view. Exhibited objects shall be in agreement with government authorities' and/or control units' regulations and shall, when required, be furnished with approval from such authority or unit. The Exhibitor is reminded of his obligations regarding the exhibition of machinery etc as per the working environment legislation and the regulations of the National Board of Occupational Safety and Health. Congrex releases itself from all liability for damage or obligations resulting from provisions not being complied with or approval not being obtained. The Exhibitor shall compensate Congrex for all expenses and damage occurring in this connection.
- The Exhibitor is prohibited within the exhibition area from, by use of signs, directing to any exhibition outwith the exhibition area.
- Exhibited goods may not be removed during an on-going exhibition without the specific consent of Congrex.
- Congrex does not accept any liability for objects or decorations exhibited in the Exhibitor's stand, irrespective of whether damage has been caused by error or neglect by Congrex or by staff for whom Congrex is responsible. The Exhibitor should therefore take out insurance for this purpose.
- In cases where a catalogue has been issued, Congrex disclaims all responsibility for any errors in the catalogue, or in other printed material.
- The Exhibitor agrees to any details relating to him being given to third parties.
- It is prohibited for the Exhibitor to:
- place objects outwith the stand area or to block fire protection installations, emergency exits, electricity stations
- use anything other than the standard surface finish on walls and other material, unless permission is obtained
- allow decorations and the like to exceed the maximum heights that are laid down for the exhibition in question, unless Congrex' permission is obtained
- use decorating material that has not been approved by the fire authorities
- without the fire authorities' and Congrex permission, use open fire, store gases and inflammable fluids within the exhibition area
- out with the Exhibitor's own stand, spread advertising without Congrex' permission
- arrange his stand, decorations, demonstrations and sales in a way that is contrary to the country's code of standards of advertising practice or that disturbs other exhibitors and visitors. All marketing, both verbal and in writing, shall be authentic and consistent with current marketing legislation.
- Political propaganda may not occur in the stand or in any other place within the exhibition area.
- Congrex can have objects, that have been left in the stand after the last removal date, removed at the Exhibitor's risk and expense. As security for the fulfilment of all obligations in relation to Congrex, which the Exhibitor has or will have, Congrex is entitled to retain the Exhibitor's objects until payment is made in full. Congrex has this same right when the Exhibitor has left objects behind after the final removal date.
- If, due to circumstances beyond the control of Congrex, restrictions regarding heating or the provision of electricity or water occur, the Exhibitor is not entitled to repayment of the stand rent or part thereof. Nor is the Exhibitor entitled to any form of compensation.
- If, as a result of war, special government or local authority measures, strike, lockout, fire or other comparable circumstance, Congrex should be forced to cancel or postpone the exhibition, there shall be no repayment of stand rent. On the other hand, the Exhibitor is entitled, as soon as the exhibition can be held, to precedence as regards stand site, and to certain compensation for stand rent already paid when making payment of the new stand rent. Further to this, the Exhibitor is not entitled to any form of compensation.
- If special tax or other duty is charged on the undertakings in accordance with this contract, a sum equivalent to the said tax or duty shall be paid by the Exhibitor.
- If the Exhibitor cancels or reduces his stand site before March 30, 2007, the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay a cancellation fee of 50% of the total cost of the stand site. If the Exhibitor cancels or reduces his stand site from April 1, 2007, the Exhibitor shall be liable to pay the whole cost of the stand site.
- In the case of delayed payment, interest on arrears will be charged at the rate of 1.5% per month.
- Changes to these terms and conditions can only be made in writing, to be signed by authorised representatives of Congrex Sweden AB.