International Union of Vacuum Science, Technique, and Applications
How to apply for Exhibition Space
The exhibition is fully booked.
Application for stand rental must be made on the Application and Contract for Stand Space form. The form is available in pdf format below. The form should be signed and returned to Congrex. The application form is legally binding.
Congrex Sweden AB
Attn: IVC Vacuum/Anna Lundeqvist
P.O. Box 5619
SE-114 86 Stockholm, Sweden
Fax: +46 8 661 91 25
Every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitors' request for space and position.
The exhibition stands and space are assigned on a"first come - first served" basis.
However, it would be of assistance to the Exhibition Organisers if you would indicate on your Application and Contract form your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices for your preferred sites. It is important for us to know your three choices since your first might be unavailable.
Already sold stands are shaded in grey on the floorplan.
Congrex reserves the right before the construction of the stands to modify the exhibition floorplan.