Scientific Programme (Updated 26 June)
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An overview of the congress programme (programme at a Glance)
is given
Scientific Topics
The main topics of the sessions for the Congress are:
Surface Science
Nanometer Science
Applied Surface Science
Thin Films
Electronic Materials
Advanced Surface Engineering
Plasma Science and Technology
Vacuum Science
The detailed list of topics, used for abstract
classification, is found
Special Sessions
- Low-temperature scanning probe microscopy. This special session
is organised by Don Eigler, USA, featuring many of the world’s leading
scientists in this field. There will be 19 oral presentations, with the
following invited speakers: Maki Kawai, Joseph A Stroscio, Roland
Wiesendanger, Klaus Ensslin, Hari Manoharan, Markus Ternes, Don Eigler and
Klaus Kern. I addition, the following plenary speakers will give talks
related to LT-SPM: Robert M Westervelt, Daniel Rugar, JC Séamus Davis and
Wilson Ho.
- Advanced light sources, organised by Nils Mårtensson and Mats
Larsson, Sweden. This session focuses on developments in synchrotron
radiation and short-wavelength free-electron lasers (FEL). Invited speakers
here are: Chi-chang Kao, Henning Poulsen, Gerhard Materlik, Winfried Decking,
and Tsumoru Shintake
- Fusion and ITER, organised by Marek Rubel, Sweden. The invited
speakers are: Guy Matthews, Russell Doerner, Thomas Todd, David Murdoch,
Dennis Whyte, Rudolf Neu, and Tetsuo Tanabe.
- Education in nano and vacuum based science, organised by Knut
Deppert, Sweden. The invited speakers are: Aldrin Sweeney, Ineke Malsch,
Rüdiger Faust and Steffi Friedrichs.
- Emerging hot topic – Nanowires, organised by Knut Deppert,
Sweden. The invited speakers are: Frances M. Ross, Magnus Borgström, Junichi
Motohisa and Mikael T. Björk.
Please note that more special sessions may be added. Check
this page and the news page for updates.
The official language of the Congress is English. No simultaneous translation
will be provided.
The programme is preliminary; the organisers reserve the right to alter the
programme if and as is deemed necessary. The IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN + T 2007
Congress and/or its agents have the right for any reason beyond
their control to alter or to cancel, without prior notice, the Congress or any
of the arrangements, time tables, plans or other items relating directly or
indirectly to the IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN + T 2007 Congress. The IVC-17/ICSS-13
and ICN + T 2007 Congress and/or its agents shall not be liable for
any loss, damage, expenditure or inconvenience caused as a result of such
alteration or cancellation.
Scientific Secretariat
For questions about the scientific programme please contact